The response time is usually very short.
  • Tuning is done via TeamViewer
  • Can be done for any truck make and model (Peterbilt, Kenworth, International, Freightliner, Volvo, etc.)
  • If you are unsure of the engine specifications, please contact us and tell us the year, make, and model of your truck as well as the ESN (located on the valve cover).
  • This is for the Cummins engine with a CM875/876 which is often found in ISM, QSM, and M11 engines.
  • Power upgrade based on engine serial number (CPL)
  1. Please note that our DPF EGR DEF programming service is completely online via Teamviewer, for which you have to install the application and then send us the ID and password to start the programming.
  2. Calibrations are unique, they will only work for the requested vehicle VIN, we are not responsible for misuse of the calibrations sold
    All you need is a laptop (with windows 10) with a good internet connection.
  3. A diagnostic adapter compatible with Insite software (Nexiq USB Link, Drewlinq, Dearborn DPA, Inline and many others)
  4. Have Cummins Insite 8.7 and Calterm installed, if you do not have these programs yet, contact us to install it.
  5. Connect to the engine or truck ECU (bench connection)
  6. Install TeamViewer, run it, provide us with your ID and password, and we will take care of the rest.
  7. If you do not have Team Viewer installed yet, please visit this page to download and install (www.teamviewer.com)


DPF Delete Shop advises you of the following: It is important to note that off-road tuning, including programming DPF delete, is illegal in some areas and may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Off-road tuning refers to modifications made to a vehicle that are not intended for use on public roads.

By installing off-road tuning products, you assume full responsibility for the use of the vehicle and any resulting damage or injury. These modifications may not comply with the laws and regulations in your area, and you could be subject to fines and penalties if you are caught using the vehicle on public roads.

Off-road tuning products are intended for closed-course racing or off-road use only and are not legal for use on public roads. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are using these products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

At DPF delete Shop we make sure that you have an excellent service, so if something goes wrong with the reprogramming, we will take care of solving it immediately, in case of impossibility to solve the problem, we will give you a full refund, and we will reset the calibrations as it was delivered to us.

The warranty cases are: The fault code related to EGR/DPF/DEF appears during the period of use of the truck.
A message related to EGR/DPF/DEF is displayed on the screen.
Torque reduction caused by EGR/DPF fault codes.

The non-warranty cases are: ECU replacement (different ECU serial numbers than those stored in the database are detected during reprogramming).
Software update campaign performed (OEM software detected).
Copyright infringement. Reading or decryption attempts were detected (a different fingerprint is stored in the ECU).

DPF | EGR | SCR Delete Service Enquiry



Store Hours

M-F: 8am – 5pm
S-S: 9am – 4pm





Cummins ISM EGR Delete:

If you are experiencing recurring problems with the EGR and DPF systems on your Cummins ISM engine, removing these systems could be the key to achieving significant performance improvements. At DPF Delete Shop, we specialise in ECU reprogramming for all CM875 CM876 ECM engines, removing these systems permanently and offering a fully online service with proven solutions.

Benefits of Reprogramming Cummins ISM Engines

ECU (Engine Control Unit) remapping on your Cummins ISM engine allows you to remove restrictive emissions systems such as EGR and DPF and thus eliminate everything these components cause to your engine.

Benefits include:

  • Increased power and torque.
  • Increased fuel efficiency.
  • Lower maintenance costs by eliminating system faults.

Can be done for any make and model of truck (Peterbilt, Kenworth, International, Freightliner, Volvo, etc.)

Our team at DPF Delete Shop provides a 100% online service via TeamViewer, offering safe and reliable ECU remapping. We handle DPF and EGR deletes for Cummins ISM engines on a daily basis, ensuring a smooth process that leaves you with a more powerful and efficient engine.

Benefits of Cummins ISM DPF EGR Delete for Maximum Performance

The EGR and DPF systems on Cummins ISM engines are designed to reduce emissions, but often lead to performance issues and costly repairs. If you choose to delete your EGR and DPF system, you will see:

  • Permanent elimination of warning lights and error messages from the dashboard.
  • Improved engine airflow, resulting in better fuel economy and engine cooling.
  • Less downtime and fewer costly repairs.

At DPF Delete Shop, we offer customized and 100% safe solutions for your Cummins ISM engine.

How Much Power Can I Add to My Cummins ISM Engine?

With the removal of the EGR and DPF systems combined with ECM reprogramming, you can expect significant power gains for your Cummins ISM engine. Typically, removing these emissions systems allows for a 20-30% increase in horsepower and torque, depending on your specific engine model. This results in a more responsive engine, better fuel efficiency, and longer engine life.

At DPF Delete Shop, our reprogramming process not only removes the DPF and EGR systems, but also optimizes your engine software to get the most performance out of your truck.

EGR and DPF Problems on Cummins ISM Engines

The most common problems caused by EGR and DPF systems on Cummins ISM engines include clogged filters, frequent regenerations, and poor fuel economy. These systems, while intended to reduce emissions, often cause significant engine wear, increasing the need for costly repairs.

By choosing to remove these systems with DPF Delete Shop, you can eliminate these problems and extend the life of your engine. Our solution ensures that all warning lights are permanently turned off and your engine runs smoothly without the restrictive influence of DPF and EGR systems.

Contact Us for Cummins ISM DPF and EGR Delete Solutions

If you are ready to solve the problems caused by the DPF and EGR systems on your Cummins ISM engine, contact us today at DPF Delete Shop. We offer a completely online service that provides reliable and proven solutions. Our ECU reprogramming will permanently solve any DPF or EGR problems, helping you save time and money while improving your engine’s performance.

At DPF Delete Shop, we handle daily reprogramming of a wide range of engines including Cummins, Volvo, Detroit and Paccar, giving us safe and optimal results. Contact us today to permanently remove your DPF and EGR systems and unleash the full power of your Cummins ISM engine.





cummins ism dpf delete


Cummins ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 2961 PID: 412 SPN: 412

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 2961PID: 412SPN: 412FMI: 0 Description: EGR Temperature - Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range - Least SevereLevel. EGR temperature has exceeded the engine protection limit.Troubleshooting:Verify the ECM calibration is correct. Check the calibration revision history found onQuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. If necessary,recalibrate the ECM.Possible causes:1)Malfunctioning EGR differential pressure tubes2)A damaged EGR valve3)A stuck open turbocharger control valve4)A low reading from the EGR differential pressure sensor5)A low reading for the EGR valve position sensor6)High exhaust...

Cummins ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 2359 PID: P411 SPN: 411 FMI: 0/16

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 2359PID: P411SPN: 411FMI: 0/16 Description: EGR Differential Pressure Sensor - Data Valid but Above Normal Operating Range- Moderately Severe Level. EGR differential pressure sensor failed automatic calibrationprocedure or EGR differential pressure reading not valid for engine operating conditions.Troubleshooting:Update: Prior to running INSITE™ electronic service tool, verify that the ECM has the correctCalibration Software Phase. There have been changes in the calibrations that reduce falseoccurrences of the fault code and also affect the tolerable sensor range.The ECM Calibration Software Phase can be checked in INSITE™ electronic...

Cummins ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 2322 PID: SID 64 SPN: 723 FMI: 2

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 2322PID: SID 64SPN: 723FMI: 2 Description: Engine Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect.Camshaft engine speed sensor intermittent synchronization.Troubleshooting:Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revisionhistory found on QuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. Ifnecessary, calibrate the ECM.During engine operation, the ECM monitors the secondary speed sensor (camshaft speedsensor) signal. Fault Code 778 will become active and light the yellow lamp if the signal fromthe secondary speed sensor is not present or...

CUMMINS ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 1935 PID: SID 146 SPN: 2791 FMI: 11

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM876 (2007-09) Fauld Code: 1935PID: SID 146SPN: 2791FMI: 11 Description: EGR Actuator Driver Circuit - Root Cause Not Known. Intermittent communicationbetween the smart EGR valve controller and the ECM has been detected.Troubleshooting:Verify the electronic control module (ECM) calibration is correct. Check the calibration revisionhistory found on QuickServe® Online for applicable fixes to the calibration stored in the ECM. Ifnecessary, recalibrate the ECM.This fault code is logged when the EGR valve controller did not receive valid J1939 commandsfrom the primary engine ECM. Intermittent J1939 datalink connections or interference on theJ1939 network are possible...

CUMMINS ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 197 PID: P111 SPN: 111 FMI: 1/18

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 197PID: P111SPN: 111FMI: 1/18 Description: Coolant Level - Data Valid But Below Normal Operating Range - ModeratelySevere Level. Low engine coolant level detected.Troubleshooting:This fault code goes active when the coolant level inside the radiator top tank or surge tankdrops below the sensor level. Fill the top tank with coolant.If this fault code is active and the coolant level is not low, disconnect the coolant level sensorand check the connectors for traces of coolant. If coolant is found at the electrical connectors,the sensor has malfunctioned and must be replaced.For intermittent power supply and datalink communication issues...

Cummins ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 155 PID: P105 SPN: 105

Make: CumminsEngine: ISM CM875 (2003-06) Fauld Code: 155PID: P105SPN: 105FMI: 0/0 Description: Intake Manifold 1 Temperature - Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range -Most Severe Level. Intake manifold air temperature signal indicates intake manifold airtemperature above engine protection critical limit.Troubleshooting:The intake manifold air temperature sensor measures the temperature of the charge air (freshair compressed by the turbocharger, cooled by the charge air cooler, and mixed with EGR) as itpasses through the intake manifold. This fault code is activated if the intake manifold airtemperature is above 132°C [270°F].NOTE: Prior to running the INSITE™ electronic service tool...


Ready to experience the benefits of DPF removal? At DPF DELETE SHOP, we perform daily DPF reprogramming for all major diesel truck brands. Our 100% online service makes it easy to solve your DPF issues from anywhere, at any time.

Whether you’re dealing with frequent DPF failures or just want to boost your truck’s performance, our team is here to help. Don’t waste time and money on temporary fixes. Contact us today for a personalized solution to permanently remove your DPF and take your truck’s performance to the next level.

Solve your DPF problems for good—get in touch with DPF DELETE SHOP now!


DPF Delete Shop informs you of the following:

It is important to note that off-highway tuning, including DPF delete programming, is illegal in some areas and can void the manufacturer’s warranty. Off-highway tuning refers to modifications made to a vehicle that are not intended for use on public roads.

By installing off-highway tuning products, you are assuming all liability for the use of the vehicle and any resulting damages or injuries. These modifications may not comply with the laws and regulations in your area, and you could be subject to fines and penalties if caught using the vehicle on public roads.

Off-highway tuning products are intended for closed-course racing or off-road use only and are not legal for use on public roads. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are using these products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.








Store Hours

M-F: 8am – 5pm
S-S: 9am – 4pm

DPF | EGR | SCR Delete Service Enquiry

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