Make: International
Engine: MaxxForce DT (2010 & Newer)
SPN: 4766
FMI: 10

Description: DOCOT below minimum desired during regen
The purpose of the Aftertreatment (AFT) System is to catalyze carbon monoxide (CO), Oxides
of Nitrogen (NOx), and Hydrocarbons (HC). The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) will capture
soot and other particulates exiting the exhaust pipe. Once the DPF is full, it is heated and the
soot trapped inside is burned more efficiently than an exhaust system without an AFT system.
Probable causes:
1) Exhaust leaks
2) Biased sensor or circuit
3) Plugged air filter
4) Fuel Delivery Pressure (FDP) low
5) Aftertreatment DSI malfunction
6) Fuel leaks
7) HCI housing plugged
8) DOC failure (face plugged), material failure, or missing
9) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Outlet Temperature (DOCOT) not heating up during exhaust

Make: International
Engine: MaxxForce DT (2010 & Newer)
SPN: 5319
FMI: 31

Description: DPF incomplete regeneration
The purpose of the Aftertreatment (AFT) System is to catalyze carbon monoxide (CO), Oxides
of Nitrogen (NOx), and Hydrocarbons (HC). The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) will capture
soot and other particulates exiting the exhaust pipe. Once the DPF is full, it is heated and the
soot trapped inside is burned more efficiently than an exhaust system without an AFT system.
Probable causes:
1) Biased DPFDP sensor or circuit
2) High DPFDP after DPF regeneration
3) DPFDP hoses damaged or restricted
4) Boost below spec
5) Exhaust leaks
6) High ash levels in DPF

Make: International
Engine: MaxxForce DT (2010 & Newer)
SPN: 5395
FMI: 0

Description: Engine unable to achieve desired idle torque (too high)
Engine unable to achieve desired idle torque (too high)
Probable causes:
1) Non-Controller Area Network (CAN) Power Take Off (PTO)
2) Intake restriction
3) Exhaust restriction
4) Base engine compression issue

Make: International
Engine: MaxxForce DT (2010 & Newer)
SPN: 5395
FMI: 1

Description: Engine unable to achieve desired idle torque (too low)
Engine unable to achieve desired idle torque (too low)
Probable causes:
1) Alternate fuel source